Thursday, May 5, 2011

"Video of the Week" -- Francis Bacon 'A Terrible Beauty' -- by Florida Fine Art Blog

From the people who like to watch state executions to those this week screaming for pictures of bin Laden's head, America sure seems to love gore. That got me thinking of Francis Bacon and his wonderfully grotesque paintings.

Below is a YouTube from a Francis Bacon show which took place in Dublin in 2009. The museum painstakingly recreated one of Mr. Bacon’s artist studios even down to moving the actual walls, ceilings, windows and doors of the original studio. I love that the museum thought to include the studio in the show. I have had a secret method of evaluating new artists that are asking for representation. I always ask to come see them in their studio. You can learn a lot about an artist by how he/she works. Are they just starting or do they have a massive amount of work? Do they just paint on the weekends on a kitchen table or do they have a dedicated studio space? What are they referencing? How much work can they produce in a year? How has their style changed over the years? What is their work schedule? What are their influences? It's always informative to see the studios. GL

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